Become a Member: Our loyalty is fierce!

Can you recall the thrill and trepidation you felt as a new student at Mar Ivanios College? Navigating unfamiliar hallways in search of your Maths, Physics, Economics, or Biology classrooms? Perhaps you felt out of your depth, yet filled with anticipation?

Fast forward to now: you’ve grown into a resilient and accomplished graduate, molded by your experiences at Mar Ivanios College, and your alma mater couldn’t be prouder. Of course, the admiration is mutual. Without the foundation your college provided, your current opportunities might have been significantly fewer. So, how can you best express your gratitude and loyalty to your college? By becoming a part of our alumni organization!

We present to you six compelling reasons to become a member of AMICOS in North America Alumni:

1. Foster Relationships – This platform serves as an excellent stage for socializing, networking, and broadening your professional circles.

2. Give Back – Membership in an alumni association is a meaningful way to contribute to your school. For example, the impressive main gate of Mar Ivanios College was a generous contribution from AMICOS in Kerala. Such initiatives are only possible with the financial backing of alumni.

3. Stay Updated – Be the first to know about college rankings, alumni athletic achievements, and more through our active social media platforms.

 4. Enhance Your Skills – Our association supports alumni with workshops, webinars, professional job databases, and career coaching to further your professional development.

 5. Express Your Pride – Showcasing your support for your college is a testament to your pride in your education. Are you proud of your experiences at Mar Ivanios? Do you cherish the connections you’ve made? The continued support from alumni is crucial to keeping this sense of pride alive!

6. Assist Other Students – Your membership can make a significant difference to students in need, whether through scholarships, supporting activities, or funding awards.

Do you remember the uncertainty you felt as a fresh college student? Compare that to the confidence and ambition you possess now as you look forward to the future. Connect with others who share your journey and assist those still finding their way by joining AMICOS in North America Alumni today!