Welcome to the AMICOS Women’s Forum

Who We Are

The AMICOS Women’s Forum stands as the vibrant core of the AMICOS North America Alumni group, showcasing the dynamic and inspiring alumnae of Mar Ivanios College, Trivandrum. Our mission is to provide a supportive platform for empowerment, unity, and transformation, embodying our core values: Empower, Unite, Transform.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to empowering each alumna, uniting our voices for a stronger impact, and transforming both our individual lives and the broader community for the better.


Empowerment is our foundation. We aim to equip every alumna with the necessary tools, confidence, and platform to find her voice, fulfill her aspirations, and become a leader. Our inclusive environment encourages the sharing of diverse experiences, knowledge gain, and mutual upliftment.


Unity brings us strength. Cherishing the connections from our college days, we seek to deepen these bonds through respect, collaboration, and shared visions. A united front enhances our collective voice, making our actions more effective and impactful.


Our vision is transformation. Engaging in charitable activities and community service allows us to apply our talents and knowledge towards positive change, continuing the legacy of Mar Ivanios College beyond academia.

Join Us

Embark on this enriching journey with the AMICOS Women’s Forum. Whether your goal is to expand your professional network, participate in community service, or reconnect with fellow alumnae, you are welcome here.

Celebrating Women’s Achievements

We honor the resilience, innovation, and leadership of women throughout history and are inspired by their achievements to create our own success stories.

Advocating for Gender Equality

Central to empowerment is our fight for gender equality, ensuring equal opportunities and breaking down barriers for all women and girls.

Fostering a Supportive Community

Our community is a sanctuary of mentorship, support, and camaraderie, essential for navigating and thriving in both personal and professional realms.

Championing Women’s Health and Well-being

We prioritize women’s health and well-being, advocating for comprehensive healthcare access, mental health resources, and wellness education.

Educating and Empowering the Next Generation

Our commitment extends to inspiring young girls, mentoring them to dream big and become tomorrow’s leaders.

Join Us in Empowering Women

Be part of our mission to create a world where every woman can thrive. Join the AMICOS Women’s Forum and contribute to empowering, uniting, and transforming our communities, one woman at a time.

Get Involved

Joining the AMICOS Women’s Forum offers an unparalleled opportunity to be part of a network that values growth, support, and community engagement. Becoming an AMICOS North America Life Member opens the door to a wealth of resources, events, and a platform for meaningful connections.

Join US: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FlRmEJq69plBJDUqbiTPny

Join: Embark on an enriching journey with us. Whether you’re looking to expand your professional network, engage in community service, or simply reconnect with fellow alumnae, the Women’s Forum welcomes you.

Become An AMICOS North America Life Member

Elevate your involvement and commitment to our community by becoming a Life Member. Enjoy the benefits of an extended network, exclusive events, and the chance to make a lasting impact.

Contact Us

For more information on the Women’s Forum, how to join, or any inquiries, please reach out to:


Reena Parangot

Women’s Forum Chair


Join us in our mission to empower, unite, and transform. Together, we can make a difference, one alumna at a time